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Cambridge Biosciences DTP PhD Programme


iCASE projects for academic year 2025-2026


Project: Probing the evolvability of enzymes for biocatalysis by deep mutational scanning and machine learning
Project reference: ICS-BIO-FH
Supervisor: Professor Florian Hollfelder (
Department/Institute: Biochemistry
Industrial Partner: Merck & Co. Inc. (via its UK arm: Merck Sharpe and Dome, MSD)

Project: Deciphering the role of tissue-resident immune cells in inflammatory disease
Project reference: ICS-SCI-ST
Supervisor: Professor Sarah Teichmann (
Department/Institute: Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
Industrial Partner: Ensocell

Project: In vitro and in silico development of nanobodies for lateral-flow point-of-care diagnostics
Project reference: ICS-CHE-PS
Supervisor: Dr Pietro Sormanni (
Department/Institute: Chemistry
Industrial Partner: 52 North Health

Project: Genomic analyses of a novel therapeutic vaccine candidate for chronic virus infections
Project reference: ICS-GEN-CH
Supervisor: Dr Charlotte Houldcroft (
Department/Institute: Genetics
Industrial Partner: Virothera

Project: Developing a soil microbiome map for the United Kingdom
Project reference: ICS-PAT-AE
Supervisor: Dr Anton Enright (
Department/Institute: Pathology
Industrial Partner: Chuckling Goat Limited

Project: Synthetic biology with nanodiscs for enhanced targeting and understanding of receptor signals
Project reference: ICS-PHA-MH
Supervisor: Mark Howarth (
Department/Institute: Pharmacology​​​​​​​
Industrial Partner: Bicycle Therapeutics

Project: Future-proofing sugar-beet​​​​​​​
Project reference: ICS-PLA-JK​​​​​​​
Supervisor: Dr Johannes Kromdijk (​​​​​​​)
Department/Institute: Plant Sciences​​​​​​​
Industrial Partner: KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA

Project: Sex-dependent role of dopamine D3 receptors in the individual vulnerability to develop compulsive heroin seeking and taking behaviour: preclinical investigations using a novel highly selective antagonist​​​​​​​
Project reference: ICS-PSY-DB​​​​​​​
Supervisor: Professor David Belin (​​​​​​​
Department/Institute: Psychology​​​​​​​
Industrial Partner: Shionogi

Project: Tracking global progress towards sustainable agriculture that protects biodiversity and enhances natural capital​​​​​​​
Project reference: ICS-ZOO-LD​​​​​​​
Supervisor: Lynn Dicks (​​​​​​​
Department/Institute: Zoology​​​​​​​
Industrial Partner: Cool Farm Alliance