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Cambridge Biosciences DTP PhD Programme


The Cambridge Biosciences DTP Symposium 2023 took place on 18th July at St Jonh's College.

The event showcased student excellence with talks and poster sessions. It gave DTP students a platform to present their scientific work, exchange ideas, and connect with industry representatives, offering insights into career options beyond academia. Read the DTP Symposium 2023 programme.


Keynote speakers

The keynote speakers were: Prof Kiran Patil (MRC Toxicology Unit), Dr James Hadfield (AstraZeneca), Dr Maxine Mackintosh (Genomics England), Prof Dafydd Jones (University of Cardiff) and Prof Dame Jenny Harries (UK Health Security Agency).


Student Prizes

Talks and posters were judged by a panel of academics, who awarded Sarah Spencer (SBS DTP, 2021 cohort) for the best talk: “Reduced IL-6 signalling in obesity contributes to reduced COVID-19 vaccine responses”, and Holly Robertson (SBS DTP, 2021 cohort) for the best poster: "Linking evolutionary conflict with adaptive evolution in carnivorous sundews”.

Congratulations also to Natalie Wallis (BBSRC DTP, 2019 cohort) who was selected by the audience for the best talk “GWAS in Labrador retrievers identifies novel obesity genes in dogs and humans” and to Emily Horner (SBS DTP, 2020 cohort) who was selected by the audience for the best poster “Antibody production in severe obesity”.

Student prize winners (left to right): Holly Robertson, Natalie Wallis, Sarah Spencer and Emily Horner.


Organising committee


The Symposium organising committee (left to right): Georgia Bullen, Ella Taylor, Eve Stalker and David O’Loughlin