This page includes a list of the research topics in which students (Standard and Targeted) are able to undertake their lab rotations and then standard students will choose their PhD project.
The research topics are grouped into the five BBSRC Research Priorities. You can also search for other potential supervisors on the websites of our participating Departments and Institutes.
Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food
Name: Dr Edoardo Borgomeo Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: 1. Sustainable management of water resources; 2. Freshwater biodiversity conservation planning; 3. Environmental and water policy in developing countries; 4. Agricultural water management. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Gerard Bishop Email: Department / Partner Institute: NIAB Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Development and analysis and of novel potato periclinal chimeras towards improved stress resilience. Tissue culture techniques will be deployed to generate plant chimeras between wild species and cultivated potato. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Stephanie Swarbreck Email: Department / Partner Institute: NIAB Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Improving root system architecture in cereal crops (e.g. tef or wheat) and their interactions with soil microbial communities can improve their agronomic performance. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Tally Wright Email: Department / Partner Institute: NIAB Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Topics include investigating crop quantitative genetics, stress tolerance in wild wheat, genetic mapping for QTL, and a vast range of data exploration techniques. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Ji Zhou Email: Department / Partner Institute: NIAB, Data Sciences Department, Cambridge Crop Research Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Ji Zhou Head of Data Sciences at NIAB. He is an expert in multi-scale plant phenotyping, AI and computer vision based trait analysis, and GxExM modelling. His research ranges from seed vigour to yield formation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life, Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Nik Cunniffe Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Various topics in mathematical modelling of spread, detection, control and/or evolution of plant diseases. Students from all backgrounds are welcome, so long as they know/willing to learn about modelling/simulation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Julian Hibberd Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We work on the evolution of photosynthesis with a long term aim of designing better crops. Our approach includes discovery of regulators and identifying gene regulatory networks underpinning the process. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Johannes Kromdijk Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: 1. Regulation of stomatal movements in response to light. 2. Evolution of photoprotection in land plants. 3. Effects of cold temperature and high light on maize. 4. Engineering of photoprotective energy dissipation in the photosystem II antennae to improve photosynthetic efficiency. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life, Bioscience for renewable resources and clean growth |
Name: Prof Beverley Glover Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences / Botanic Garden Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Evolution and development of petal colour, shape and texture - molecular developmental biology and evolution of gene families. Responses of bees to variation in flower morphology and colour, including with crops. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Sebastian Eves-van den Akker Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences / Crop Science Centre Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Global food insecurity drives our research. We focus on understanding the enemy: plant-pathogens. Topics include discovery of new natural genome editing systems, AI-powered genetics, and the evolution of virulence. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Natasha Yelina Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences / Crop Science Centre Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Trait reassortment control during plant (and crop) sexual reproduction. Understanding and engineering trait reassortment 'landscapes' to expedite crop breeding. Why is trait reassortment sensitive to temperature? BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Sebastian Schornack Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sainsbury Laboratory Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Cell biology, biochemistry and genomics of host-microbe interactions; reprogramming of host development processes by microbial proteins; genome editing; advanced imaging of host-microbe fossils. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Andrew Grant Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We use molecular, genomic, functional genomic, imaging and proteomics approaches to investigate the genes required for Campylobacter colonisation of animals, survival in the environment and infection of humans. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Olivier Restif Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Dynamics of zoonotic disease spillover at the livestock-wildlife interface, combining data analysis and mathematical modelling. Possible projects include bat viruses and antimicrobial resistant bacteria. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof David Aldridge Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: 3 exciting projects: i) Microencapsulated, sustainable diets to enhance commercial shellfish quality; ii) Development of mollusc-based bioscaffolds for medicine; iii) Bio-based solutions for wastewater remediation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Lynn Dicks Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We work on how to protect and manage biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, alongside sustainable, high-yielding food production. Projects can be field-based, lab-based, or developing software tools for industry. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Chris Jiggins Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We have a variety of projects in insect genomics and evolution. These include plasticity in host plant feeding and toxicity in butterflies, and genetic improvement of the Black Soldier fly for waste bioconversion. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Edgar Turner Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Using existing datasets, based on long-term experiments in Indonesia, to investigate the impacts of alternative management practices in oil palm to increase the sustainability of palm oil production. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Bioscience for renewable resources and clean growth
Name: Prof Paul Dupree Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Plant cell wall biosynthesis, structure and function. Applications of plant cell walls for food, feed, materials, textiles, timber. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Prof Chris Howe Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Direct production of electricity by photosynthetic microorganisms - understanding mechanisms, and developing applications in the renewable energy field. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Jenny Zhang Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Re-wiring photosynthesis, biohybrid approaches for energy conversion, studying biological 'electromes' using electrochemistry, tackling biofilms and biofouling, many more. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Understanding the rules of life
Name: Prof Stephen Eglen Email: Department / Partner Institute: Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Computational models of neural development, in particular for understanding the development of ordered connections between eye and brain. Neuroinformatics approaches to understanding neuronal data sets. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Oliver Florey Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We investigate the molecular mechanisms cells use to maintain a healthy lysosomal network in response to infection and age-associated stresses, using state-of-the art microscopy and biochemical techniques. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Ian McGough Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The student will determine if oxidative damage of mRNA increases with age to contribute to proteostasis collapse. The amount/identity of oxidised mRNA in young and old Drosophila will be revealed by RNA sequencing. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Teresa Rayon Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Adaptations of the proteostasis network for tempo control during embryonic dormancy. The project will employ mouse embryos and/or mouse and human embryonic stem cells for pharmacological treatments, live imaging and immunofluorescence. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Claudia Ribeiro de Almeida Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are interested in the molecular mechanisms underpinning diversification of antibody genes in B lymphocytes, with a focus on how this is regulated at the RNA level through the activity of RNA helicases. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Arianne Richard Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: T cells are critical for immune defence against infection and cancer. We study how T cells integrate signals from antigens and the microenvironment and how individual cell responses combine to protect the host. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Peter Rugg-Gunn Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are fascinated by the topic of human developmental epigenetics. We study early-stage human embryos and embryo-like models to understand the dynamics of epigenome programming and developmental gene regulation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Hayley Sharpe Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We aim to understand principles of cell-cell communication. Our latest research focuses on mechanoregulation of phosphotyrosine signalling through the interplay of kinases and phosphatases. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Kai-Michael Toellner Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study antibody responses to vaccination and infection, how B cell migrate through lymphoid tissues, interact with other immune cells, and differentiate into antibody producing cells. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Sophie Trefely Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: How do nutrients affect cell identity? We develop and apply metabolomics strategies to uncover new metabolic pathways affecting the nucleus and study their role in epigenetic programming. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Martin Turner Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: use primary lymphocytes and genetic modification as a system to study inducible gene regulation. Project will teach molecular biology, cell culture, Cas9 ribonucleoprotein transfection and computational skills . BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Philipp Voigt Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We aim to determine how histone acetyltransferases and chromatin remodellers regulate the establishment and functional readout of poised chromatin states in embryonic stem cells and during differentiation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Marc de la Roche Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Design and creation of novel immunotherapeutic molecules designed to redirect immune cells to cancer cells. Identification of novel therapeutic entry points into the oncogenic form of the Wnt pathway. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Florian Hollfelder Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: 1- Stem cell and dev. biology in 3D, sgl cell transcriptmcs, mechanisms of differentiation. 2- Protein engineering, enzymology, dir evolution, therapeutic proteins, sustainable biocatalysis, microfluidics, mach learng. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for renewable resources and clean growth, Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Kathryn Lilley Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: This project will involve determining the rules of protein stability and solubility at extreme temperatures by comparing proteins from Antarctic organisms with temperate comparators on a proteome wide scale. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Ben Luisi Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Structural and mechanism of multi-drug efflux machines BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Eyal Maori Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: RNA communication between honeybees and their microbiome. This project will provide insights that could potentially be translated into RNA solutions to enhance sustainable agriculture, health and disease control. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Prof Juan Mata Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study how cells respond to stress by modulating translation, using the fission yeast S. pombe. Rotation projects will investigate how cells regulate translation by stalling ribosomes on specific codons. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Daniel Nietlispach Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: G protein-coupled receptors are key to regulation of human physiology. We are investigating the molecular mechanism of GPCR activation and the role of receptor plasticity and dynamics in cellular communication. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Luca Pellegrini Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Molecular mechanisms of DNA replication and repair, relevant to genomic stability and cancer. Relevant experimental techniques are Structural Biology (cryoEM) and Biophysics (study of macromolecular interactions). BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Jussi Taipale Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: When and where genes are expressed. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Ross Waller Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Pathogenic symbioses of apicomplexan parasites: using systems biology and experimental cell biology, all within an evolutionary framework, we ask how these single-celled parasites outwit their human and animal hosts. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Evgeny Zatulovskiy Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are an interdisciplinary laboratory aiming to understand how cell size is controlled in animal tissues and what roles cell size regulation plays in stem cell fate decisions, tumour progression, and ageing. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Jenny Gallop Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry / Gurdon Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We work on how signals via lipid-protein interactions regulate the actin cytoskeleton in filopodia and endocytosis. We use migration in Xenopus and iPSC neurons, cell-free reconstitution and quantitative microscopy. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Camilla Godlee Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry / Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Investigating how bacterial virulence proteins interact with the membrane systems of infected eukaryotic cells using microscopy and other cell biological and biochemical techniques. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Jennifer Dickens Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: I am interested in interstitial lung disease with a particular focus on familial pulmonary fibrosis. I use novel organoid models to understand how pathogenic protein variants cause alveolar epithelial dysfunction. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Melissa Gammons Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our research understands the molecular mechanisms underpinning Wnt signalling pathways, important regulators of embryonic development whose dysregulation causes rare genetic disease, cancer and neurodegeneration. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr David Gershlick Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Endosomes encounter a huge range of material from both inside and outside the cell. How they sort this material is a central mystery to modern cell biology that has huge implications not only to our fundamental textbook understanding of cellular function but also to therapeutic intervention. To solve this, we are interested in combining super-resolution imaging with bespoke synthetic biology approaches to designing kinetic trafficking assays. When combined with structural biology and in situ tomography with our network of collaborators our approach allows for an unprecedented insight into the mechanisms of molecular cell biology. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Janin Lautenschlager Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study biomolecular condensates at the synapse in health and disease using protein droplet, cell biology assays, and super-resolution imaging on the unique lamprey giant synapse. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Jonathon Nixon-Abell Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our work combines advanced microscopy with biophysical and multi-omics approaches to understand mechanisms of organellar communication in neurons and how these processes are corrupted in neurodegenerative disease. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health, Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof David Owen Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Endosomes are primary sites of protein sorting and signalling: Endosomal disruption causes disease and is used during pathogen infection: We use integrated Structural (crystallography, EM), in vitro and in cell tech. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Julian Rayner Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our research uses genetic, molecular and cellular approaches to understand the interactions between Plasmodium parasites and human cells. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Jeanne Salje Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) / Pathology / Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The Salje lab studies the fundamental biology of obligate intracellular bacteria using a range of approaches including cell biology, transcriptomics/proteomics, and microscopy. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Benjamin Nicholson Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: My team studies a range of areas, including transcription, export, and processing of small RNAs, as well as the establishment and maintenance of chromatin marks required for transposon silencing. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Sebastian Ahnert Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Genotype-phenotype (GP) maps, both from a general point of view, and in terms of the impact of the GP map on evolution, and the robustness, evolvability, modularity, and complexity of structural phenotypes. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Alex Borodavka Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Biophysics of viral replicative biomolecular condensates; chaperone-assisted RNA folding and RNA interactomes of multi-segmented viral genomes; exploring dsRNA viruses as novel therapeutics and vaccine candidates. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food, Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Mateo Sanchez Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are a synthetic biology lab that aims to apply chemical principles, genetic engineering and directed evolution to create new molecular tools for optogenetics, neuroscience and artificial genomes. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Gabriel Balmus Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Role of DNA damage in neurodegenerative disease (Huntingtons or ALS) and ageing by using CRISPR CAS9 genetics. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Jelle van den Ameele Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We aim to understand what makes specific cell-types more or less vulnerable to mitochondrial disease, by studying metabolism and genome regulation of neural stem cells and their niche in mouse and Drosophila brain. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Alan Warren Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Mechanisms of ribosome assembly. How defective ribosome assembly causes cancer. Role of ribosomal RNA modifications. Targeting the ribosome to treat cancer. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Thomas Keane Email: Department / Partner Institute: EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The Keane laboratory uses rodent species models to study the genetic mechanisms of human disease. Projects include genomic structure, regulation, and origins of the most diverse regions of the mouse genome. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Timothy O'Leary Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: 1. Data driven modelling of environmental perturbations on nervous systems in marine species. 2. Analysis of neural representations of behaviour and/or BMI data. 3. Bio-inspired neuromorphic computation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Luca Sapienza Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Biophotonics: photoluminescence and time-resolved measurements of biomolecules in solution and on a chip. Quantum biology: investigation of quantum properties of photosynthetic light harvesters. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Erik Clark Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Gene regulatory networks and patterning dynamics in the early Drosophila embryo; robustness and evolvability of developmental patterning systems. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Richard Durbin Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Computational and population genetic analysis of genome sequences to study: * Genomics of speciation in the Malawi cichlid adaptive radiation. * Comparative genome evolution across the tree of life. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Carol Edwards Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: I am a Senior Research Associate and Deputy PI in the Lab of Anne Ferguson-Smith. Research topic for potential rotation projects: Genomic imprinting as a model for dissecting the role of regulatory hierarchies in governing regional control of the mammalian genome. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Antoine Hocher Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our lab: synthetic chromatin and proteins that mimic DNA. We like anything related to evolution and engineering of DNA binding proteins. Projects on synthetic chromatin, bacterial chimeras and others. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Michael Imbeault Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: KRAB zinc fingers silence mobile elements and participate in the evolution of gene regulation. We have projects related to primate-specific aspects of pancreas development, inflammation, or the DNA damage response. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Cahir O'Kane Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Axon ER is continuous over great distances, potentially allowing long-distance communication. Mutations that remodel it cause axon degeneration. We use imaging and EM in Drosophila and primates to study its roles. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Aylwyn Scally Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Investigating the ancestry and demography of past populations using computational methods and whole genome sequences from ancient and historical individuals. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Marisa Segal Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: A synthetic approach for exploring Ras oncoprotein inhibition by a novel class of Ras-interacting proteins. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Ben Steventon Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our lab aims to uncover the mechanisms of self-organisation in early vertebrate development using advanced quantitative imaging approaches. Projects are available using chick our zebrafish embryos, or embryonic organoids (gastruloids) derived from mouse embryonic stem cells. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Alex Cagan Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics / Pathology / Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our group works on somatic evolution across the tree of life. We use laser capture microscopy and genome sequencing to study cancer resistance, ageing and environmental impacts on somatic evolution across species. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Adrian Baez-Ortega Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics / Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Genetics, evolution and ecology of marine transmissible cancers. Our research aims to advance knowledge of the diversity, evolutionary histories, and ecological dynamics of infectious cancers in marine environments. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Felipe Karam Teixeira Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics / Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Molecular mechanisms controlling germline stem cell biology in vivo and protecting the germline genome. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Iva Tchasovnikarova Email: Department / Partner Institute: Gurdon Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Fluorogenetic interrogation of chromatin pathways: we use genetic screening technologies to dissect the mechanisms underlying epigenetic repression to understand how they are corrupted in diseases such as cancer. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Fengzhu Xiong Email: Department / Partner Institute: Gurdon institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our lab work on a diversity of topics around developmental biology and physics. We welcome student-led innovative ideas and projects with strong support of our interdisciplinary team and tool building compacities. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food, Bioscience for renewable resources and clean growth |
Name: Prof Julie Ahringer Email: Department / Partner Institute: Gurdon Institute / Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our research spans two areas: (1) Using single-cell profiling to understand how the genome directs development, (2) Functional analysis of constitutive heterochromatin, both through analyses in C. elegans. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Daniel St Johnston Email: Department / Partner Institute: Gurdon Institute / Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Possible projects: 1) Testing if polarity proteins cluster by phase separation with super-resolution microscopy. 2) Analysing the role of polarity proteins in mammalian organoids. 3) How does aPKC regulate Crumbs? BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Emma Rawlins Email: Department / Partner Institute: Gurdon Institute / Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We ask questions about cell fate, lineage and morphogenesis in human lung development and disease using innovative organoid models, CRISPR tools and single cell approaches. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Elisa Laurenti Email: Department / Partner Institute: Haematology / MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Molecular regulation of human haematopoietic stem cell function across a human lifetime. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Helle Jorgensen Email: Department / Partner Institute: Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Identification of mechanisms regulating vascular cell plasticity and heterogeneity, which underlie vascular stiffness and cause age-related symptoms, using computational and experimental approaches. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Nicholas Matheson Email: Department / Partner Institute: Medicine / Cambridge Institute for Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease (CITIID) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The Matheson lab uses unbiased proteomic and genetic screening approaches to interrogate the host-virus interaction and elucidate key cell biological pathways, focussing on HIV, SARS-CoV-2 and immunometabolism. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Yorgo Modis Email: Department / Partner Institute: Medicine / Molecular Immunity Unit (MRC-LMB) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: 1- The role of endogenous viruses in immune homeostasis using structural, biochemical and cell-based approaches. 2- Visualizing antiviral signaling complexes in their cellular context by cryo-EM tomography. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Maria Adelaida Duque Correa Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Investigating the impact of helminth (whipworm and hookworm) infection on the damage and regeneration of the intestinal and alveolar stem cell niche. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Brian Hendrich Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: How chromatin remodellers facilitate transduction of extracellular signalling through enhancers to drive transcriptional change in pluripotent cells during cell fate decisions. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Mekayla Storer Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are focused on identifying the mechanisms that determine whether injury stimulates endogenous regeneration or fibrotic scar formation, using the mammalian digit tip as a model system. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Richard Tyser Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our research explores how the mammalian heart develops, with a particular interest in understanding the mechanisms by which cardiac function influences heart morphology and cardiomyocyte differentiation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Giles Yeo Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study pathways that play a role in the brain control of appetite & bodyweight, using single cell & spatial transcriptomic approaches to map the human hypothalamus & hindbrain across the weight spectrum. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Fiona Gribble Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) / Clinical Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Either a) intestinal organoids to investigate signalling involved in secretion of gut hormones controlling body weight; b) mass spectrometry peptidomics to identify and quantify low abundance peptides and proteins. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Vito Mennella Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Toxicology Unit Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Functional analysis of novel GPCR targets expressed in airway motile cilia by CRISPR Cas9, super-resolution imaging and activation assays. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Anne Willis Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Toxicology Unit Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Post-transcription control especially the control of mRNA translation. This project is to study the elongation stage of protein synthesis which represents a major regulatory node. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Andrew Blagborough Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are primarily interested in novel cell biology regarding the transmission of the malaria parasite Plasmodium through the mosquito host, and in designing novel interventions to prevent the transmission of malaria. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Betty Chung Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Investigating the molecular mechanisms of gene expression and translational control at the host-pathogen interface across domains of life (animals, plants, viruses, bacteria, and eukaryotic parasites). BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food, Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Pier Paolo D'Avino Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study the mechanisms that govern cell division in eukaryotic cells and their de-regulation in cancer cells, and in particular how the dynamics and functions of mitotic proteins are regulated by phosphorylation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Andrew Firth Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Topics include RNA virus gene expression, comparative genomics and molecular biology, non-canonical translation mechanisms, novel virus discovery, ribosome profiling, RNA structure and function, and bioinformatics. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Julia Kenyon Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We look at how RNAs are structured and how those structures control the functions of the RNA. We do this for viral RNAs (including HIV, FIV, and flaviviruses like dengue) as well as cancer-related RNAs. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Heike Laman Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We work on ubiquitin ligase biology, from understanding their normal functions and deregulation in diseases (Parkinson's, sterility, cancer) to their use in the development of advanced therapeutics, like PROTACs. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health, Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Adrian Liston Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: A new type of white blood cell with potential to regulate the strength of vaccine responses: the Foxp3+ CD8 regulatory T cells. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Naomi McGovern Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study mononuclear phagocytes (dendritic cells and macrophages) in the context of infection and autoimmunity. We use technologies including single cell RNA sequencing, flow cytometery and confocal microscopy. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Catherine Merrick Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Basic biology of human malaria parasites. Aspects of DNA biology including replication & the unusual Plasmodium cell cycle, epigenetic control of virulence pathways, unusual DNA/RNA structures called G-quadruplexes. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Suzanne Turner Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: In our lab, we investigate the pathogenesis and aetiology of paediatric cancers towards the development of biomarkers to facilitate kinder, less toxic and novel therapeutic approaches. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Michael Boemo Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology / Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Developing artificial intelligence, algorithms, and mathematical models that reveal how therapeutic agents affect genome replication and repair of cancer cells and malaria parasites. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr David Bulmer Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Research in my lab focuses on gut-brain signalling in health and disease. Current areas of interest include how neuroepithelial and neuroimmune signalling shapes sensory nerve signalling from the gut and microbiome. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Laura Itzhaki Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Designed peptides and proteins as molecular therapeutics and research tools (e.g. bifunctional peptides for targeted protein degradation; self-assembling proteins as genetically encoded phase-separating bioreactors, force sensors for mechanobiology). BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Janet Kumita Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Understanding the molecular mechanisms of protein self-assembly processes in order to identify novel methods to be used as therapeutic strategies for neurodegenerative diseases. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Catherine Lindon Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study the cell biology of ubiquitin-mediated degradation pathways, especially those harnessed for novel therapeutic Targeted Protein Degradation approaches (e.g. PROTACs). BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Paul Miller Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Structural and Pharmacological characterisation of antibody and/or peptide toxin modulators of neuronal ion channels. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Taufiq Rahman Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are interested in basic structure and function and regulations of some calcium channels and GPCRs. We also actively pursue rational designing and development of novel chemical probes and drug leads against them. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Ewan Smith Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The naked mole-rat is an exceptionally long lived mammal, but the reasons for this remain to be discovered. We use a variety of techniques to further understanding of healthy ageing in this species. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Catherine Wilson Email: chw39 Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We will use large-scale expression screening techniques to interrogate protein stability and determine novel degradative pathways that are vital for cardiomyocyte maturation and regeneration of the heart. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Pietro Cicuta Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: I work on three areas: ciliated epithelia; blood stage malaria parasites; bacteria physiology and infection. For a short rotation project bacteria (high throughput single cell imaging) is best. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Diana Fusco Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: 1. The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in Bacillus subtilis biofilms. 2. Phage-bacteria coevolution in complex environments. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Riccardo Beltramo Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We dissect the neural circuits underlying perception, spatial navigation and stress-induced anxiety. We use the mouse hippocampal and visual system as a model and combine high-density ephys with 2-photon imaging. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Elisa Galliano Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study neuronal plasticity and its links to behaviour in the mouse olfactory system, using ephys/imaging/operant conditioning. We also focus on olfactory bulb dopaminergic neurons and adult neurogenesis. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Courtney Hanna Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Investigating the role for epigenetic programming in placental development, using mouse genetics, embryology, imaging, multi-omics, and single-cell sequencing approaches. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Allan Herbison Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Learn and use acute brain slice GCaMP imaging in genetic mouse models to determine the effects of serotonin on the burst firing and synchronized activity of hypothalamic neural networks. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Sepiedeh Keshavarzi Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We investigate the neural circuits underlying self-motion and spatial orientation. Our goal is to understand how various sensory signals drive these computations and their impact on perception and behaviour. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Julija Krupic Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our aim is to understand how space is represented in the hippocampus/mEC and how these representations support memory and goal-directed navigation. We use modelling, electrophys and two photon imaging in rodents. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Ewa Paluch Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Biology and mechanics of morphogenesis in development, physiology and disease. We study the cross-talk between molecular processes, cell shape, and cell fate in cultured cells, organoids and in vivo models. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Ole Paulsen Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We offer rotation projects in three areas of research: (1) synaptic plasticity underlying hippocampal memory. (2) mechanism of cortical network oscillations. (3) cerebral organoid disease models. Visit our web site! BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Jasper Poort Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The computational mechanisms of learning, attention, and decision-making in the visual cortex of healthy mice and mouse models of neurodevelopmental disorders. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Alberto Rosello-Diez Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in building organs of the right size and proportions: We use mouse genetic injury models and rat-to-mouse chimeras to reveal how the fetal limb adapts to growth challenges. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Benedicte Sanson Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Tricellular junctions are important during epithelial morphogenesis but mechanisms are elusive. The project will focus on the IgSF adhesion molecule Sidekick, a key component of tricellular adherens junctions. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Milka Sarris Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are interested in how innate immune cells traffic in the body during infection. We use state-of-the-art live imaging approaches, coupled to genetics, to follow the migration behaviours of the cells in vivo. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Elena Scarpa Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: In vivo cells migrate through complex environments. We use the transparent embryo of the Zebrafish to understand the impact of environmental mechanical stresses on the cell nucleus and on dividing cells. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Keita Tamura Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Perception and memory strongly influence each other. We aim to decompose those entangled processes of visual cognition into defined neuronal circuits through cutting-edge opto-physiological approaches. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Sumru Bayin Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) / Gurdon Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Age-dependent regenerative mechanisms in the brain. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Katja Roper Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) / MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study the morphogenesis of tubular epithelial organs in complementary models, the nephron tube in human renal organoids and the salivary gland in the fly embryo, as most of our own internal organs are tubular. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Jake Harris Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Investigating the role of chromatin in priming plants for enhanced resilience using genomics, molecular biology and CRISPR-based epigenome engineering. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Prof Ian Henderson Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Using nanopore long-read sequencing to assemble and understand the genetic and epigenetic organisation of centromeres in plant genomes. The project will also use CRISPR/Cas9 to remodel the centromeric repeat arrays. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Leonie Luginbuehl Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying nutrient exchange between plants and beneficial fungi using (single-cell) transcriptomics, metabolomics, genetics, and microscopy approaches. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Prof Alex Webb Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We investigate the daily circadian rhythms of plant life. Theoretical and experimental studies in wheat and Arabidopsis deliver fundamental discovery, and improve crop production on Earth and in space. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Samuel Brockington Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences / Botanic Garden Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We explore how and why life has evolved colour, and in this context, you will help unravel the molecular evolution of a novel colour system, called betalains, which have exceptional value for health and nutrition. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Lida Derevnina Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences / Crop Science Centre Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Deciphering the molecular mechanisms that underpin NLR-mediated suppression. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Prof Uta Paszkowski Email: Department / Partner Institute: Plant Sciences / Crop Science Centre Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: My lab found that the rice Arbuscular Receptor-like Kinase ARK1 is required for sustenance of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Here, we wish to functionally characterise additional signalling components. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Duncan Astle Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychiatry / MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are interested in the developing brain, and we use artificial models to simulate how complex networks form and produce diverse outcomes, including in children with neurodevelopmental conditions. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Jeff Dalley Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Understanding the neurobiological determinants of individual differences in behaviour and cognition using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging, transcriptomics, and other state-of-the-art technologies. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Zoe Kourtzi Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Multimodal imaging and computational modelling for brain plasticity in health and disease (eg ageing, neurodegenerative disorders). BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Sarah Lloyd-Fox Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Advances in wearable NIRS technology enable imaging brain function in any environment, making it accessible to a wide range of populations incl. global health and preterm infant human brain function studies. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Amy Milton Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Neurochemical and molecular mechanisms underlying memory reconsolidation, and exploiting these mechanisms to disrupt maladaptive emotional memories contributing to mental health disorders (eg. PTSD and OCD). BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Deborah Talmi Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Using laboratory methods, we test whether a dominant theory of post-traumatic stress disorder can explain how well healthy adults remember non-traumatic but highly emotional experiences. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Madelaine Bartlett Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sainsbury Laboratory Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The Bartlett Lab dissects the development and evolution of grass morphological adaptations - like awns and floral unisexuality - using comparative genetics, genomics, and various imaging techniques. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Francois Nedelec Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sainsbury Laboratory Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: At the interface between physics and biology, we use modelling to study how dynamic structures of the cytoskeleton form and evolve such as to drive essential cellular events such as division, morphology, polarity. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Katharina Schiessl Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sainsbury Laboratory Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Uncover how beneficial nitrogen-fixing bacteria and parasitic root-knot nematodes can exploit plant organ development to induce parasitic root galls and symbiotic nodules using molecular genetics and imaging tools. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Edwige Moyroud Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sainsbury Laboratory / Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The project will use genetic approaches, molecular biology and a wide range of imaging techniques to examine the mechanisms that control cell fate specification and pattern formation in flowers. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Prof Mark Blaxter Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Junk or treasure? Horizontal transfer of DNA into animal genomes. Genomes experience a slow rain of insertions - from transposons, organelles and other species. What are the origins and fates of transferred DNAs? BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Trevor Lawley Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Co-evolution of bacteria to breastmilk metabolism using large scale genome datasets from bacteria cultured and purified from infants around the globe. The student will learn computational methods to study bacteria. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Mara Lawniczak Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Malaria mosquito population genomics, biodiversity genomics including large scale biodiversity monitoring using DNA, Malaria Cell Atlas research in Africa. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Ben Lehner Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Massively parallel mutagenesis and machine learning to understand, predict and engineer the effects of millions of sequence variants on the properties of proteins and their expression. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Leopold Parts Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Understanding human genome through engineering - inserting, deleting, and randomizing large stretches of DNA to generate foundational data for AI models and make biology predictive and programmable. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Roser Vento-Tormo Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: During the rotation, the student will perturb organoids with gene editing tools and synthetic drugs to mechanistically dissect biological process. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Julian Parkhill Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study bacterial evolution, mainly using genomics; the emergence of bacterial lineages, transmission within and between human and animals, and adaptation to the host, and antibiotic pressure. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Walter Federle Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: How do animals and plants cope with physical constraints? Rotation projects are in 3 main areas: -Bio-adhesion and functional surfaces. -Insect biomechanics and locomotion. -Biomechanics of insect-plant interactions. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Iris Hardege Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are interested in how nervous systems generate behaviour by studying the surprising complexity of neurotransmitter receptors in C. elegans, using electrophysiology, behavioural analysis, and molecular biology. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Rebecca Kilner Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Burying beetles care for their larvae. Males and females take on different duties, causing males to have larger heads than females. But when does this dimorphism develop? And is it sensitive to diet or competition? BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Torsten Krude Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Epigenetic marking of human DNA replication origins - focussing on biogenesis, biochemical nature and functional significance of DNA modifications for the specification of DNA replication origins genome-wide. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Matthias Landgraf Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We investigate a 'critical' developmental period when nerve cells set their functional properties, via metabolic signals and epigenetic changes. We study this through imaging, genetics, ‘omics, e-phys and behaviour. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Emília Santos Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Evolutionary and developmental biology, Functional genomics, Gene regulation, Pigmentation development, Neural Crest Cell Development. Model system: several species of cichlid fishes. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Tim Weil Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We aim to understand how a single cell becomes a fully functioning organism. We want to understand the mechanisms that coordinate egg and early embryo development; with a particular interest in mRNA regulation and the role of biomolecular condensates. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Daniel Field Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology / Earth Sciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study three-dimensional vertebrate morphology using CT scans. We focus on comparative anatomy of birds and their extinct fossil relatives. The student will work on visualising avian modern and fossil morphology. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Transformative technologies
Name: Prof Mike Weekes Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We will characterise the function of 10 key human cytomegalovirus genes via CRISPR-based gene knockout then multiplexed proteomic analysis of infected cells. This will reveal novel viral immune evasion strategies. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Susanne Bornelöv Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We use bioinformatic and artificial intelligence (AI) methods to model gene regulatory processes in order to decipher the role of codon usage and other sequence features in protein synthesis and mRNA stability. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Clemens Kaminski Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Development and application of optical superresolution microscopy techniques for the study of biological systems living in extreme environments. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Jenny Molloy Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Developing open source tools to advance biomanufacturing for heath and sustainability application in the UK and the global South. We apply synthetic biology, automation and (increasingly) AI approaches to this work. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for renewable resources and clean growth |
Name: Prof Roisin Owens Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our group has developed conducting polymer bioelectronic devices for hosting and continuous electrical monitoring of cell health and differentiation. We would like to show proof of principle for these devices in monitoring liver spheroids for drug safety. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Steven Lee Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Development of new biophysical microscopy methods, predominantly through the use of single molecule spectroscopy and super-resolution imaging. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Pietro Sormanni Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We combine computational method development and experiments to establish fast and accurate computational technologies to generate novel antibodies for research, diagnostic, and therapeutic applications. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof David Spring Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Next generation biotherapeutics and technologies; antibody-drug conjugates; novel peptide stapling methodologies; photoredox catalysis for bioconjugation; targeted protein degraders. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Stefano Pluchino Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The Pluchino team studies whether the accumulation of neurological disability observed in patients with chronic inflammatory neurological conditions can be slowed down using next generation molecular therapies. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Somenath Bakshi Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We develop and apply microfluidics, imaging and Ai tools to investigate how physiological heterogeneities of bacterial cells impact their response and resistance towards treatment with antibiotics and bacteriophages. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Ruchi Choudhary Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Develop Digital Twins to optimize and integrate Vertical Farms with urban infrastructure. As a result, radically reduce the carbon cost of the entire food chain, and reduce energy, land, and water wastes of cities. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof John Clarkson Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The application of a systems approach to a bioscience challenge, building on research on the re-design and improvement of complex systems in health and care, policy making and technology. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Matthew Juniper Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Physics-enhanced Flow-MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging of flows, e.g. those in the body). Enhance a flow-MRI image to reveal accurate velocity fields, wall positions, wall shear stresses, pressure drops. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Prof Kate Baker Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We use microbial genomics to transform our understanding of the epidemiology and biology of bacterial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Tamar Makin Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Smart Wearable Biofeedback: Enhancing Yoga Practice & Mindfulness with EMG Tech for Safe, Effective Exercise. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr James Thaventhiran Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Toxicology Unit Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We will investigate how methylpseudouridine (the enabling technology of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines) regulates T cell antigen expression. Aiming to make mRNA therapies, more effective. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Mark Howarth Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Innovating Protein Technologies for Biotech: protein nanoparticles to activate broadly protective B cells; ultrastable gastrobodies for GI targeting; or protein superglue for non-genetic cell enhancement. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Name: Dr Ioanna Mela Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: DNA nanotechnology and aptamer selection for targeted drug delivery to procaryotic and eucaryotic targets. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Thorsten Boroviak Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Reconstructing human blastocysts from stem cells to unravel embryo implantation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Kathy Niakan Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The research project will innovate and utilise genetic perturbation, advanced imaging and single-cell multi-omics methods to dissect the function of genes during human embryogenesis and in comparisons across species. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Mohammad Lotfollahi Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: I seek to leverage AI and advanced experimental techniques to engineer cells and modulate their response to disease and perturbations. These engineered cells will ultimately enable us to create cells. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life, Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health |
Bioscience for an integrated understanding of health
Name: Dr Della David Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We investigate protein aggregation during ageing. We aim to identify protective regulatory mechanisms to alleviate aberrant aggregation and promote healthy ageing. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Jon Houseley Email: Department / Partner Institute: Babraham Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study the mechanisms by which cells adapt to new environments, and how our genomes change as we age. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Eric Miska Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The role of non-coding RNA in heart failure; exploration of new biomarkers and therapeutics. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Helen Mott Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Using biophysical and biochemical approaches to investigate interactions of small G proteins and their effectors with other proteins and/or with membranes. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Martin Welch Email: Department / Partner Institute: Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The team works on the biology of the opportunistic human pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We are particularly interested in how biofilms, quorum sensing, and metabolism contribute towards infections. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Janet Deane Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Identifying new molecular mechanisms driving early-onset neurodegenerative disease. We develop iPSC-based models of rare disease and exploit cutting-edge proteomics to probe how lipid imbalances disrupt cell fate. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Stefan Marciniak Email: Department / Partner Institute: Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) / Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: 1. Effects of a1-antitrypsin polymerisation on endoplasmic reticulum biology. 2. Aberrant surfactant trafficking in organoid models of pulmonary fibrosis. 3. Multiomics analysis of mesothelioma organoids. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Shelly Singh-Gryzbon Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Translating engineering principles to address clinical challenges: - Computational modelling of cardiovascular or vascular disease. - Assessing biomechanical interaction of prosthetic heart valves with patient anatomy. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Gonçalo Bernardes Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: This project will aim to explore proximity-induced nucleic acid degraders (PINADs) to target and degrade cancer-relevant RNA structures. It will include synthesis, biochemistry and cell biology including sequencing. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Melinda Duer Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Raman imaging and NMR spectroscopy to follow chemistry in extracellular matrix under mechanical tension. Aim is to understand mechanochemistry occurring that may drive cell signaling in ageing. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Michele Vendruscolo Email: Department / Partner Institute: Chemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We will be working on small molecule drug discovery to target diseases associated with aberrant protein misfolding, aggregation and condensation, using a combination of experimental and machine learning methods. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Michael Coleman Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study programmed axon death, a preventable mechanism of axon degeneration driven by SARM1 NADase, activated by injury, gene mutation, toxins and viruses with roles in ALS an neuropathies. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Hugh Markus Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: and Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our work is on cerebral small vessel disease the major cause of vascular dementia. It uses advanced imaging techniques ( MRI) combined with multiomic data to understand the underlying disease mechanims. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Chris Rodgers Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We develop new methods to study human metabolism in vivo using ultra-high field 7T MRI. The student could help interpret phosphorus MRI data from our study probing the mechanism of SGLT2 inhibitors in heart failure. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Kamen Tsvetanov Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The project studies brain resilience in healthy aging using existing neuroimaging, vascular and lifestyle data. Statistical skills (e.g., multivariate) and basic neuroimaging knowledge are helpful but can be taught. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Caroline Williams-Gray Email: Department / Partner Institute: Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: My lab investigates the role of the immune system in Parkinson's disease through clinical, biomarker, PET neuroimaging and neuropathological studies, and runs clinical trials targeting inflammation in PD. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Sarah Teichmann Email: Department / Partner Institute: Dept Medicine / Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: and Research topic for potential rotation projects: We use cutting-edge single-cell and spatial gene expression approaches, combined with human genetics at the cellular level to build a Human Cell Atlas, with a particular focus on studying the immune system. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Máté Lengyel Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Computational models of adaptive behaviour and neural circuit dynamics. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Andrea Luppi Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: I use network science and computational modelling of structural and functional data to study how coma, anaesthesia and psychedelics reshape brain function across species (human, macaque, mouse). BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof George Malliaras Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are an interdisciplinary group interested in interfacing electronics with living systems to understand the fundamental processes that take place at the abiotic/abiotic interface. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Flavia Mancini Email: Department / Partner Institute: Engineering Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: - Computational modelling of neural dynamics involved in pain regulation and aversive learning. - High-resolution imaging of brain activity associated with statistical learning. - Neural networks & homeostatic control. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Charlotte Houldcroft Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Nanopore sequencing of adenoviruses with pandemic potential, incl sequencing method development; and characterisation of adaptive anti-adenovirus immunity. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Henrik Salje Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The Pathogen Dynamics Group works on the emergence, spread of pathogens, through data driven computational approaches. We have a substantial focus on disease ecology of arboviruses in lower income countries. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Ashraf Zarkan Email: Department / Partner Institute: Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Bacterial biofilms correlate with chronic infections such as Urinary Tract Infections. using E. coli as model organism, we study the underlying mechanisms via a range of molecular and biochemical techniques. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Susan Ozanne Email: Department / Partner Institute: Institute of Metabolic Science - Metabolic Research Laboratories (IMS-MRL) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Developmental programming of cardio-metabolic health by in utero exposure to an obesogenic environment. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Virginia Pedicord Email: Department / Partner Institute: Medicine / Cambridge Institute for Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease (CITIID) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The Pedicord Lab seeks mechanistic insights into the influence of the gut microbiota and its metabolites on host intestinal and systemic immunity using multi-omics, in vivo models and cellular immunology platforms. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Maria P. Alcolea Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The ability of epithelial cells to rewire their programme of cell fate in response to tissue perturbations has emerged as a new paradigm in stem cell biology. When tightly regulated, plasticity improves the efficiency of tissue repair, however if dysregulated due to perturbations, such mutations, it can lead to disease. Understanding the balance will be the focus of the proposed work. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Matthias Zilbauer Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Role of epigenetic mechanisms in regulating intestinal epithelial cell function in health and disease using patient derived organoid models. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Joo-Hyeon Lee Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute / Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Investigating the role of biomechanical signals on cellular reprogramming and expansion in lung regeneration and cancer development. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Thora Karadottir Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute / Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The focus of our research is to address fundamental mechanisms of myelination, why myelin regeneration fails, and the impact of myelin and failure of myelin regeneration on neuronal circuit function. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof Richard Henson Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Analysing existing genetic, neuroimaging, demographic, lifestyle and cognitive longitudinal data on a sample of healthy adults to understand how ageing affects brain and cognition ( BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Amy Orben Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Social media's impact on habit and attention raises concern. Traditional psycho-biological literature methods, like reward-learning models, are however still underutilized in studying this. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Clemence Blouet Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) / Clinical Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Identifying and characterising the metabolic consequences of dietary protein restriction and the brain mechanisms through which changes in dietary protein intake modulate appetite and metabllism. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Laura Dearden Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) / Clinical Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our research focuses on how obesity during pregnancy alters development of a part of the baby's brain called the hypothalamus, and leads to an increased obesity risk in offspring later in life. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Florian Merkle Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) / Clinical Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our group generates human hypothalamic cell populations that regulate essential processes, such as eating or reproduction. You will learn cutting-edge techniques as you study these cells in health and disease. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Zahid Padamsey Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) / Clinical Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: How metabolic hormones regulate brain function and energy use is poorly understood. This project will examine how metabolic hormones affect neuronal metabolism and function in vitro using calcium and oxygen imaging. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Frank Reimann Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) / Clinical Biochemistry Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Control of food intake along the gut-brain axis - examples include live cell imaging (or electrophysiological examination (patch clamp, if interested) of enteroendocrine cells in intestinal organoids or target neurons in acute brain slices (cAMP/Ca2+responses) or behavioural/photometry experiments in live mice if the student already holds a PIL. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Patrick Chinnery Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit (MBU) / Clinical Neurosciences Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: High-throughput single-cell multi-omics to understand how the cell nucleus communicates with mitochondria in health and disease. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Ritwick Sawarkar Email: Department / Partner Institute: MRC Toxicology Unit / Genetics Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Systems biology and CRISPR screening approaches to understand the regulation of tRNA genes in different cell-types and in response to stress: novel mechanisms linking signaling and epigenome to DNA sequences. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Louise Boyle Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We focus on MHC molecules which play a key role in inducing protective immune responses against tumours and pathogens. Our work has significant translational potential in infectious disease, cancer and autoimmunity. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Aderonke Dami Collier Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We are interested in understanding HIV neuroinflammation and its role in neurodevelopment in utero. Can we modulate these reponses to improve neurocognitive outcomes in children born to women living with HIV? BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Colin Crump Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Discovery and mechanistic understanding of pro-viral and antiviral cellular mechanisms for important human and animal pathogens using state-or-the-art microscopy, proteomics, and genetic screening techniques. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Anton Enright Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Using nanopore sequencing to detect and quantify RNAs and RNA modifications with important roles in diseases such as cancer. This would be a combined wet/dry project with both lab and computation skills developed. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Brian Ferguson Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Discovery of novel components of mammalian and avian antiviral pattern recognition receptor signalling using comparative immunology. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Ian Goodfellow Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Understanding the role of the core stress granule component, G3BP-1, in the novel paradigm of Norovirus VPg-dependent translation initiation. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Stephen Graham Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study how viruses modify host cells like neurons during infection, using a wide variety of structural, molecular and cell-based techniques. We also develop novel vaccines and diagnostics for emerging viruses. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Heather Machado Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pathology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study the somatic evolution of the adaptive immune system to address crucial questions in cancer immunology. By combining cutting-edge multiomics and evolutionary genetics we seek to improve patient outcomes. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Matthew Harper Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Platelets and coagulation are essential parts of the haemostatic system that prevents bleeding. Our lab studies how platelets and coagulation interact and looks for new anti-platelet targets to prevent thrombosis. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Graham Ladds Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We apply multidisciplinary approaches to study G protein-coupled receptors. Our current interests lie in applying AI/ML approaches to assess the impact accessory proteins in modulating GPCR pharmacology. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Maria Marti-Solano Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We use computational biology and bioinformatics methods to integrate structural, multi-omics, network biology, cell signalling, and pharmacogenomics data to explore receptor signalling in health and disease. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Hendrik van Veen Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Please join our research on antibiotic efflux pumps that remove antibiotics from bacterial pathogens. Let's work together to find new therapeutic solutions to inhibit these pumps and eradicate antibiotic resistance. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Walid Khaled Email: Department / Partner Institute: Pharmacology / MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our lab is interested in identifying early cellular changes that precede breast tumour development using single cell genomics. We use this information to develop interception therapeutics and vaccines to prevent disease onset. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life, Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Angeleen Fleming Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: This project will investigate the role of autophagy in maintaining neuronal homeostasis in vivo, using transgenic zebrafish where we can up- and down-regulate autophagy in discrete cell types e.g., neurons and glia. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Dino Giussani Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Current focus: Does maternal obesity trigger embryonic origins of heart disease? We use animal models (PMID: 35534925; 36724801; 37132324) and offer expertise with in vivo and isolated organ cardiovascular function. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof David Keays Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Modelling Human Neurodevelopmental Disease with Cerebral Organoids. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Andrew Murray Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our interest lies in integrative aspects of mitochondrial physiology, including the impact of factors (e.g disease, environment) on mitochondria and the consequences for tissue, organ and organism function. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Angela Roberts Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: The lab is interested in the neural circuits underlying emotion regulation in both the positive and negative domains. In particular, the role of the prefrontal cortex and the interactions within its subregions. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Prof Amanda Sferruzzi-Perri Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: genetic and environmental control of fetal and placental development and its implications for pregnancy and life-long health. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Eleanor Raffan Email: Department / Partner Institute: Physiology, Development and Neuroscience (PDN) / MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS) Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Which genes cause obesity and how? We use statistical genomics, physiology studies in pet dogs and molecular biology to identify and understand new obesity genes. Also, EEG for dog-human interspecies communication! BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Paul Bays Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Computational study of human visual perception, visual working memory and visuo-motor interactions: behavioural experiments and neurocomputational models. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Prof David Belin Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Humans and other animals are not equally able to recognise their internal states. This alexithymia hampers adaptive emotion regulation and coping strategies. This project aims to uncover its neural basis. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Richard Bethlehem Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Lifespan neuroinformatics: studying brain health across the lifespan using neuroimaging, genetics and machine learning on big population data collaborating with computer science, psychiatry and clinical neuroscience. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Sarah-Jayne Blakemore Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: This project will investigate the social cognitive development in adolescence. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Nicola Clayton Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Comparative cognition amongst corvids and humans. Cephalopod cognition. Corvid cognition. Mental time travel, memory and future decision making. Theory of mind. Tool use and problem solving. Story telling. Caching. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Prof Jon Simons Email: Department / Partner Institute: Psychology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our research focuses on the cognitive and brain mechanisms of human memory, and how they change across the lifecourse. By understanding these processes, we aim to develop methods to enhance remembering in older age. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: n/a |
Name: Dr Carl Anderson Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing study of hundreds of healthy gut biopsies to understand, at cell type resolution, how gene expression varies by intestinal site, age and sex. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Josie Bryant Email: Department / Partner Institute: Sanger Institute Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Our aim is to understand the role of the respiratory microbiome in chronic lung disease. We are developing high-throughput methods to generate and analyse deep metagenomic data from patient samples. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Transformative technologies |
Name: Dr Alexandre Almeida Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Application of large-scale metagenomic methods to explore the role of the human gut microbiome in human health. The project will involve a combination of microbiology, bioinformatics and genomics techniques. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Prof Cinzia Cantacessi Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study the interactions occurring at the host-parasite interface, with a particular focus on the crosstalk between parasitic worms, the gut microbiota and the host immune system, both in vivo and in vitro models. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Kate Hughes Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: My group studies the mammary gland microenvironment in non-traditional model species particularly ruminants and rabbits. Project would use deep 3-dimensional tissue clearing and imaging to localise immune cells. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Prof Elizabeth Murchison Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Genetic analysis of transmissible cancers in dogs and Tasmanian devils. Transmissible cancers occur when cancer cells themselves become infectious agents and spread through populations. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Lucy Weinert Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: My research investigates the genomics and evolution of bacterial pathogenicity, with a focus on zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Bioscience for sustainable agriculture and food |
Name: Dr Tim Williams Email: Department / Partner Institute: Veterinary Medicine Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: Investigating antibiofilm activity of urinary extracellular vesicles (UEVs). The student will undertake biofilm assays to study the effects of UEVs obtained from healthy human volunteers on biofilms formed by E.coli and other bacterial species. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |
Name: Dr Adria LeBoeuf Email: Department / Partner Institute: Zoology Website: Research topic for potential rotation projects: We study metabolic division of labour within and across individuals through social transfers. Topics: evolution of multicellularity and cooperation, tissue interactions. Applications: aging, infant nutrition, bioactive drug delivery. BBSRC secondary strategic theme: Understanding the rules of life |