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Cambridge Biosciences DTP PhD Programme

BBSRC DTP Cohort 2024

On Wednesday, 2nd October, we were thrilled to welcome the new 2024 BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme (DTP) cohort. The induction event was an excellent opportunity for the 26 new students to engage with the DTP core team and begin their exciting research journeys.

Throughout the day, students met with key members of the DTP team, including Dr Matt Castle (Chair of the DTP Training Committee), Dr Sam Byers (Training and Inclusive Support Manager), and Sandra Di Eleonora and Yoli Lopez from the DTP administration office. A highlight of the day was a talk by Prof. Matthias Landgraf, Deputy Head of School for Postgraduate Strategy, who inspired the cohort with his words on research and the PhD experience.

The cohort is comprised of standard, targeted and iCASE students. Standard students will begin with two laboratory rotations over the first six months to help them to choose their PhD project. Targeted students have already selected their projects but will also undertake one rotation to explore interdisciplinary research opportunities. Additionally, four iCASE students will dive straight into their projects, which involve placements with industrial partners.

Alongside the BBSRC-funded students, we also welcomed four integrated students. Although not funded by the BBSRC, these students will take full part in the DTP training programme, cohort-building activities, and the Professional Internships for PhD Students (PIPS) scheme.

Building Connections at the Botanic Gardens

In the afternoon, the students enjoyed a guided tour of the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens, organised by Dr Sam Byers. Led by DTP alumna Dr Raphaella Hull, now a researcher at the Gardens, the tour offered a chance for new students to learn about the Gardens and hear more about PhD life in Cambridge.

Feedback from the day highlighted that the induction was informative, engaging, and a great start to fostering a strong sense of community within the cohort.

We are excited to follow the journeys and achievements of the 2024 cohort and look forward to sharing their successes in the years to come!

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